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Available Online
Birth a Deck
Become a creator of an educational or mystical card deck today
1 hr1 hCentennial Crescent
5,000 Canadian dollars
Service Description
Perfect for professionals and artists who have always wanted to create their very own tarot, oracle, or educational deck. Not an artist? No problemo. I can do the art for you, for a fee.

Cancellation Policy
When you book a service with me, you are booking an energetic commitment of my time, energy, and focus, 100% on you. As a result, no shows without a minimum of 24 hours cancellation are fully charged to your credit card. If you are sick or there is an emergency, please let me know as soon as you can and we will reschedule you.
Contact Details
1290 Centennial Crescent, Kelowna, BC, Canada
250 608 3637
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